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Charles Birch key comparison list

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Yes, we've got an SKS book and we know that they use Orion blanks, but the last Birch key we had had the number 52 on it which isn't in either of those lists. We could see that it was a yale by the profile but they are not always that obvious. Having now looked in the Charles Birch key book I can see that 52 is the CB hook number for a yale key but it is still a time consuming trawl through many pages. A list that works the other way would be much more helpful if such a thing exists.

Thanks anyway. V

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Thanks, will keep an eye out for the new catalogue. We don't use too many Birch blanks so it would be unfair to comment on their quality, the boss says given the choice he would use silca all the time because they are the most precise, but they are not as easily available as others. Besides that, the Birch hook numbering system would completely mess up the system that we use at the moment. V

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