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Shoe Repairer Forum

Satin Dye?

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Now that dylon have stopped making satin dye is there any other manufacturer that makes a similar product have looked high and low but cant fined anything. I know you can use lady esquire or tarrago but you lose the shine of the fabric. Any one know what the bridal shops use as they often offer a dying service for satin shoes but charge a fortune for it.



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  • 2 months later...

I've dyed hundreds of pairs of shoes with Dylon multipurpose, sadly this is no longer available. I now have to look for alternatives. Maybe the Dylon hand dye will do. If not I have found these http://www.satinshoedyes.com/ but they are only manufactured for mixing for white satin, which has a blueish tint to it so may need some tweaking for the off white satin that is most popular in makes like Rainbow, Meadows,Else,Katz etc. I would advise against using Tarrago or Esquire as this can stiffen the material.

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