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Woolworths - DIY Stick on soles

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Has anyone else had a steady flow of people asking for DIY stick on soles since Woolworths closed?


Does anyone else stock them?


I've always been of the opinion that they defeated the point of being a shoe repairer and therefore have never stocked them. But since I have failed to persuade any of the steady flow of people asking for them to use my services I'm starting to think that at least I'd make a couple of quid out of selling them what they want rather than nothing!




PS - New to the Forum, hello everyone!

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Hi Chris


I have noticed this rise too, but usually tell the cost of getting them done by me & shoe them a pair so they can see how nice they are in comparison, this usually gets the repair, but failing that I sell them some sos & glue & let them go do them. there are customers who simply like doing them!



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Guest Brad Naylor

Just to set the record straight on this post regarding Woolworths DIY shoe repair products.

The Company that had made these ( and other products) for the last 50yrs ceased trading at the end of last month , Woolwooths were the main customer for these items , along with Wilkinsons ( stocked under "Soletrack" brand), who short sightedly dropped these lines ( along with 2000 others !) last year , even a large Multiple chain always kept a few under the counter for customers who wanted them.

Machines have now all gone , but the moulds have been bought by another company ( who by coincidence actually supply the Repair Trade), and the intention is to recommence manufacture , although i am not sure who apart fron "T" who will actually be buying them.

All stocks have been cleared, many with Wollworth branding , eBay is full of them at the moment , but as with everything "buyer beware" ! , much of the glue in these packs is well past its use by date.

Similar post came up some months ago warning of the expected rush whem Woolies closed.

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I have been asked for DIY kits too, Birches used to do them and if i could get hold of them i would stock them. There is always someone out there that think they can do a better job than me without a press and finisher so good luck to them. But like Lee i sell them a pair of SAS and a tube of glue and they go away happy.

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Hi All,


I ve just been reading the chatter about the DIY Soles, the good news is we have acquired the Soltrack DIY Mens, Ladies and Heel Tip business and hope to be in a position to supply the trade within the next few weeks. The product wil be exactly the same as before, packaging, adhesive formula and PVC compound to ensure some continuity to the end user.

As soon as i have more info on route to market etc i will post again! :D

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Guest Brad Naylor

Hi "Lawman" thanks for letting the Forum know your news.

Hope this venture is profitable for you , Woolworths sold over 380,000 packs of DIY materials last year , but as we know they are no longer with us , Wilko's dropped these lines , but may wish to introduce them again now production will be resuming .

We look forward to be able to buy them from our wholesalers, especially the tubes of Glue as a stand alone product , "Phillips" left a big hole in the marketplace when they stopped these lines, the Renia product is a difficult sell as instructions are hard for the public to understand.

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My view is to help the customer.

If they have a problem solve it for them.

Help them to help themselves.

That way the customer comes to you for advice and help.


Sure help your customer give them advice. But selling these DIY kits is madness and devalues what we do. Not to mention when they come in asking why the soles don't stick to there shoes. They then ask you to restick them as I did buy the kit from this shop and then don't expect to pay ](*,) .


Wouldn't give them shelf space in my shops. [-X

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My view is to help the customer.

If they have a problem solve it for them.

Help them to help themselves.

That way the customer comes to you for advice and help.


Sure help your customer give them advice. But selling these DIY kits is madness and devalues what we do. Not to mention when they come in asking why the soles don't stick to there shoes. They then ask you to restick them as I did buy the kit from this shop and then don't expect to pay ](*,) .


Wouldn't give them shelf space in my shops. [-X


This post in my very personal opinion is probably the saddest post that I have ever read on any forum relating to customer service. It goes against every principle of helping the customer and is in fact helping to alienate them.


I have sold DIY kits for over half a century and never have I ever had a single regret of helping customers to do something for themselves.

I just hope that you personally do not have the misfortune to be served at the DIY shops like B&Q etc where advice on DIY is needed and get an assistant with your views on helpfulness.

We are all entitled to our opinions of course and it is interesting to hear from a trader with very different views. I wonder how many others hold this viewpoint?

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Although i can see Danny's point i'd still rather take the chance and have the money :D


In all honesty when we did sell 'em i don't ever recall one being returned cos it didn't work but then again i always tried to ensure the customer made the choice themselves, i never offered advice on whether they would stick or not as they never had the shoes to hand, else i might've done.



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Guest thomas

We've always said we wouldn't sell DIY kits, but with the number of people coming in asking in recent weeks, we've given in.

We bought some self seal bags, sos, klebfest and bagged them up, along with instructions we printed which state something along the lines of 'we guarantee the quality of materials supplied, not the quality of job you do with them' !!

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I have been keeping a close eye on this subjet and have asked my staff to tell me how many people come in and ask for these kits, Over the past week we have been asked for 4 sets. We explained we don't sell them but we could undertake the job for them. 3 of the 4 had the job done . The other one customer said he wouldn't pay our prices as it was a rip off.


So I think I will carry on as I am :D


I do feel it depends on the type of shop you have and the area you are in. But if you sell a kit the customer, he does the job it turns out ok. Will he ever come and get a proper job done in your shop at a relistic price. I doubt it he will. He will feel he is now being ripped off as the kit only cost him a £5 and you are chrging £10+ for the same job. He won't see the quality of the job. All he will see is the price difference. [-(

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I agree with your point Danny and there are several ways of looking at this topic.

My view would be that whatever the customer requires you try to help, that way when they need help that comes under the charging top whack category, then they will be sure to visit the ones who are helpfull and give genuine advice.

The ones who go away disgruntled are unlikely to return for a charge job.

Many years ago I was also one of the "dont sell them anything that enables them to do it themselves" brigade, I changed my outlook, the way in which I interacted with customers took a drastic right turn. I moved on in leaps and bounds and never looked back.

What I will say is that I wish my mentality could have been changes much earlier on in life.

It's your business Danny, you do as you see fit for your own circumstances.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All,


Just a quick update on the Soltrack DIY Stick on Soles.

We are now beginning production and distribution of the Soltrack Mens, Ladies and Heel Tip packs. These will be available from various wholesalers, Edward Healey are already in possession of their first order and we hope to have further outlets shortly.

As detailed in my previous post the adhesive, sole compound and packaging are all the same as before to ensure continuity in quality and ease of use for the customer.

We are also in the process of sorting out pre-packed tubes of adhesive as requested!

As soon as i have further infomation i will post again. :D

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