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Shoe Repair shops/London

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by TeL200 » Mon Mar 16, 2009 10:19 am


petercoulson wrote:

some central London shops don't open Saturdays?

Eh... Why the hell not? Do mean don't open Sunday


because shops in london dont do the biz in some parts of the capital - they shut as it is more cost effective than paying people to twiddle there thumbs.

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Well Im glad to see some response. Randy & I will find some shops to see Im sure. Im a history person so I will visit many of the churches. Ive always wanted to come to the U.K. My Family came from Scotland in the early 1700s so been a bit since we been close to home. :-({|=


Cant wait !!


Jim McFarland

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working on some shops to visit and will pm you with them.in the meantime i thought it might be useful for you to have some rhyming slang phrases to help you on your visit. you know the saying, everything in common except the language? well its true as we find on holiday when we make friends with americans (yes it is possible) who are completely baffled by what we are saying and no we are not australians............




apples and pears = stairs

bedfordshire = bed (so going up the apples to bedfordshire means bedtime)

the bog = the toilet

tom tit = well if i say going to the bog for a tom does that explain that one?

the dog = telephone (dog and bone)

a bell = a call - so giving you a bell on the dog means ringing you

if someone says you are the dogs bollocks they arent being rude, they mean you are the best

the rub a dub = pub


and appropriately cobblers = rubbish (talking a load of cobblers comes from cobblers awls slang for balls)




some money slang,


a godiver = £5

a score = £20

a pony = £25

a bullseye = £50

a ton = £100

a monkey = £500

a gorilla = £1000



think these are the most common terms but perhaps others can add some more?

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by TeL200 » Mon Mar 16, 2009 10:19 am


petercoulson wrote:

some central London shops don't open Saturdays?

Eh... Why the hell not? Do mean don't open Sunday


because shops in london dont do the biz in some parts of the capital - they shut as it is more cost effective than paying people to twiddle there thumbs.


yeah.. its like a ghost town around hear sometimes as early as Friday evening, right through to Monday morning.

Apart from security guards, plod walking the beat with zebra armbands (yes they still wear them round here) and the odd tourist eyeing up plague pits, haunted buildings and around 90 largely empty (some half blitzed) churches,



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Harry, forgot about you. they seem to be interested in history as well and as hugh isnt there to look at ( :lol: ) can you suggest some places (less obvious) for them? i know there are still bits of the original wall and stuff like that but maybe they might be interested in the less documented?

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