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Help with key ID please.

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I've posted previously regarding this key but was given the wrong code by my supplier.


It's for a Smart car. Can anyone help me identify the correct code for it. I don't need a transponder blank. The key will only be used for opening the car doors.




smart car key.JPG

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I've just checked with Dav B. The YM23 is different to the one I have. I'm in the process of emailing them a picture of the key to get it right. I only need one mate, I'll let you know how I get on with them first and thanks very much.




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It' seems you were right all along. It was indeed a YM23. I'm kind of miffed that one our major key suppliers first identified it wrong and then took their time in getting in right.


I should have taken your offer but didn't want to be seen to be after freebies. It would have saved me a lot of messing around.


Just thought i'd pop back on and say thanks anyway mate.



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