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  • 2 months later...

I have only just started looking at this thread, sorry, I've been busy, :oops: honest!


We have a bianchi 883, and although recently paid for an upgrade, but for some unknown reason the driver will not load onto our computer, ](*,) and so we are no better off.


We feel that we have been left behind on transponder keys, and that we need to change our machine for something more up to date, to enable us to do whatever crypto's that are possible to clone, but we no longer understand all the key blank & chip codes.


We were looking at the Zed-bull, but after reading all the replies on here, we have gone off that idea.


Can anybody advise where I start to look for information/understanding or who I could talk to?

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I have only just started looking at this thread, sorry, I've been busy, :oops: honest!


We have a bianchi 883, and although recently paid for an upgrade, but for some unknown reason the driver will not load onto our computer, ](*,) and so we are no better off.


We feel that we have been left behind on transponder keys, and that we need to change our machine for something more up to date, to enable us to do whatever crypto's that are possible to clone, but we no longer understand all the key blank & chip codes.


We were looking at the Zed-bull, but after reading all the replies on here, we have gone off that idea.


Can anybody advise where I start to look for information/understanding or who I could talk to?

The transponder minefield thread is worth reading, a couple down from this. you can pm peter at lockdecoders who will answer any questions on there product, key crypt pro

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  • 1 year later...
Guest chalky111
for one its not a brand new ad90, its a pirated copy of an ad90 , does the job well enough, but no back up , no updates and no tech support, and indirectly ripping off advanced diagnostics.


Are you having a laugh?


I joined this forum after I saw that post, and only joined to say this.


I have a T300 and an AD900 both from China. Back up? at what cost?


"ripping off advanced diagnostics" I almost choked on my brew when i read that. Have you seen the price they want to charge for the T300? its over £12,000 for the lot.. thats twelve thousand pounds!!! almost £50 per lead! and to top it off, there's the tokens bit. That is blatant robbery. Why should i pay to use a machine I have purchased at a cost of over 12 grand? They are just ripping people off! How dare they decide that they are allowed to make a cut of every job an auto locksmith does. He does the work, He has paid their high price for the machine, and leads and software for each different car make.


What if I did a car key for a guy then said, well mate, every time you turn your ignition on you owe me 20p. Or I bought a car for 12 grand and then had to give ford a tenner every time I wanted to start it up?


And there's the bit in some of the manual, that says stuff like "if any incodes dont work, please email them to us so we can develop further"... well maybe anyone who does email them a code should charge them £35 for helping with their research


Advance Diagnostics are responsible for customers saying "bloody hell, how much?"


I personally hope the Chinese market puts them out of business. Technology will progress without them, and the Chinese do it cheaper. My BMW programmer and my Mercedes one are both made in China, and did not cost Advance diagnostics prices.


Their greed with end them. ... Come back with whatever you like, but you know I speak the truth


Thanks for reading

(happy Chinese buyer)

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for one its not a brand new ad90, its a pirated copy of an ad90 , does the job well enough, but no back up , no updates and no tech support, and indirectly ripping off advanced diagnostics.


Are you having a laugh?


I joined this forum after I saw that post, and only joined to say this.


I have a T300 and an AD900 both from China. Back up? at what cost?


"ripping off advanced diagnostics" I almost choked on my brew when i read that. Have you seen the price they want to charge for the T300? its over £12,000 for the lot.. thats twelve thousand pounds!!! almost £50 per lead! and to top it off, there's the tokens bit. That is blatant robbery. Why should i pay to use a machine I have purchased at a cost of over 12 grand? They are just ripping people off! How dare they decide that they are allowed to make a cut of every job an auto locksmith does. He does the work, He has paid their high price for the machine, and leads and software for each different car make.


What if I did a car key for a guy then said, well mate, every time you turn your ignition on you owe me 20p. Or I bought a car for 12 grand and then had to give ford a tenner every time I wanted to start it up?


And there's the bit in some of the manual, that says stuff like "if any incodes dont work, please email them to us so we can develop further"... well maybe anyone who does email them a code should charge them £35 for helping with their research


Advance Diagnostics are responsible for customers saying "bloody hell, how much?"


I personally hope the Chinese market puts them out of business. Technology will progress without them, and the Chinese do it cheaper. My BMW programmer and my Mercedes one are both made in China, and did not cost Advance diagnostics prices.


Their greed with end them. ... Come back with whatever you like, but you know I speak the truth


Thanks for reading

(happy Chinese buyer)



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Guest chalky111



very intelligent point you put forward.


Its obvious a man like you likes paying a company each time you use a machine that you paid full whack for.... so, who is the cock?


Justify their prices to me and i will gladly concede and buy one.


Advance Diagnostics are the reason new car keys are so expensive. Deny it if you like, but you cannot prove me wrong.


Alibaba.com is now advertised nationally, and Advance will not be able to justify their prices to someone staring off in the industry, against a company that will sell you the same thing, over ten thousand puounds cheaper!... do you get that? ten thousand pounds!!


And you call me the cock? lol x

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Guest chalky111
The door is over there shut it on your way out. Bye!



so i get "cock".. Gigantic cock" .. and.."the door is over there"


not one of you can justify their prices? you all just sit there getting ripped off?


The way money is these days, and in the current state of the country, and you think its perfectly acceptable for a company to charge a locksmith every time he uses a machine he has paid them a fortune for?


no one I talk to about it can believe they actually get away with it. Charge for updates by all means, but for using something you have paid for?


its robbery... I can bet my bottom dollar you all complain about bank charges though?


Someone make a decent point, or keep being childish... which is it to be?

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Guest chalky111
Guess what chalky111 I am bored of you



just as i thought...


absolutely no comeback whatsoever. For a 57 year old, i thought you would have had a case to put forward? but no


Good luck being ripped off...me, I value my money my friend :)

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Guest chalky111
When was I your freind I dont even know you. :smt102



Are you telling me that you don't understand that term? "my friend"? or do you not have a crasp of common courtesy?


Are you aware of the irony of posting "I am bored with you now", and even more irony in commenting again?


You have nothing to offer on the rip off prices by Advance? none at all?

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If you have issues take them up with Advance. Personally I dont give a fuck about you or your problems and will no longer post on this thread. Unless I get really angry and being a docile and laid back sort of chap that does'nt happen very often, but who knows you could be the trigger.

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Guest chalky111
If you have issues take them up with Advance. Personally I dont give a fuck about you or your problems and will no longer post on this thread. Unless I get really angry and being a docile and laid back sort of chap that does'nt happen very often, but who knows you could be the trigger.



well if that is the case, then what is the point of a forum?


why not say that to the guy who was saying Chinese copies are wrong, its the same thing. Its called voicing an opinion. Swearing at people gets you nowhere, and to be quite honest, is not called for, especially from a man in his 50s.


You are angry because you have absolutely no comeback at all. I'd be angry if I was getting ripped off by a company too, I dont blame you. But surely if you are happy paying 5000% more for something that i did, just because of the 'excellent back up and tech support' then dont be angry, be happy :)


I'll explain my back up and tech support... 1) learn the job properly then you wont need tech support... 2) if it breaks, throw it away and buy another from China (and that will still be cheaper than buying tokens haha)


You're a joke, a complete joke. You sit there posting utter bullshit and trying to offend me? You are not intelligent enough to put a valid point forward, and you're 57 years old!


One more thing.. the sentence "when was I your friend I don't even know you" should have a question mark in the middle. you should buy a copy, you'd have money for English lessons then :)


Bye xx

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Calm down calm down

i see where you are coming from Chalky but buying copy machines from china aint the answer.

Ive spent an absolute fortune on stuff from hickleys/advanced and have to say thats the way I choose to do it.

chinese stuff has a ceiling on it for what can be done so when it comes to upgrading you have to buy it all over again I dont see the logic in that(even though you can)

Anybody worth there salt in this world uses the best methods/machinery and it comes at a price!

how much do you charge for copying keys on your copy machine?

who supplies your keys?

Do you have overheads rent/rates/insurance/

on the question of insurance do you have public liability at your place of work and away from it if you are mobile?

that again costs a fortune but it has to be paid (dont get cheap insurance from china!)

so ..........

RLJ is a 57 year old COCK :D but he has ethics and morals of which stand him in good stead on this forum and unless you can see the error of your ways in some peoples eyes you "my friend" are the "cock"!

carry on!

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