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Help with Images needed

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I am sure some one can help me with this, looking for images of celtic knots, norse images of animals birds in same style as the celtic knots. I have a book of images but nothing the client likes for his caravan. A pointer to a website if you prefer would be welcome.


cheers guys (hey check out my avatar)

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ascap29, Just what I am looking for!

Do you have them in any other format so I can go straight to cut on my vinyl cutter(eps etc)



These images that ascap put in the downloads section are good quality and would only take about 30 seconds to vectorise and save in eps ready for engraving or cutting. ill do these the now for you snd add to the downloads section.


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What software do you use for vectorising. I am using Omega Composer from Gerber and when I try to vectorise with it all comes out a bit messy really. Are there stand alone software packages I can download?


Thanks for the images all.


Yes michael a tutorial would be fine

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What software do you use for vectorising. I am using Omega Composer from Gerber and when I try to vectorise with it all comes out a bit messy really. Are there stand alone software packages I can download?


Thanks for the images all.


Yes michael a tutorial would be fine


I agree a tutorial for vectorising would be good i cant help on that one maybe planet uk900 will oblidge and share some of his expertise.To be honest i used to try to vectorise in corel draw but as you say it comes out a bit mesy. One of the reasons i bought the roland egx350 engraver was that the software was great that is what i now use to vectorise everything. i open blank page import the bip map or jpeg etc then click vectorise job done then export file and save as eps all done in less than 30 secons or dont export just engrave.As you can see from the 2 images ascap put in downloads i vetorised them with good results and put them back in the download section.

If nobody can help let you guys know how to vectorise and you are desperate send me the logo and i will do it for you.


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this is a really tough one to do a tutorial on, as there are many types of software that can vectorize.

if I never had gravo's g5 software I would use coreldraw. (the most powerful vectorizer) apparently

vectorizing can either be really easy or really hard. to start off with you need a really good image. the bigger and clearer the better

and it's always worth asking the customer if they can get hold of a better image if the internet proves fruitless

spelthorne 1.jpg

here we go.. I selected 3 various sizes of this image to work with. 192x150, 360x234 & a wopping 5000x3500 pixels.

i imported them and put them all through gravo's g5 vectorizing software and here are the results

med lines.jpg

the first one is no good at all and not even worth messing about with [-(

the second one is o.k but the lettering is a bit wonky. you could get away with this if you deleted the words and re-typed them in :-k

and the third is spot on. \:D/

more often than not you will have to re-draw bits, smooth out curves and straighten lines to get a good result. but again that depends on the software you are using

I've only been using coreldraw for a few months, and I've found if you trace a bitmap, then export as an EPS file, sometimes you get 2 outlines with one superimposed over the other, when you engrave it will do the job twice. the way I get round it, is to break apart the image and delete bits at a time. if you detele the wrong bit you can always undo.

if there are any specific questions you have, thats what this forum is for [-o< ask and you shall recieve

as always my advice would be to keep playing around with various logos and settings on the package you have to see what works for you

and as we all know there are always people on the forum willing to help do logos

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Lee your image was spot on. The customer was really pleased. It is now fitted to his campervan.

As usual this site has proved its weight in gold, what could have been a lossed sale has now become a customer who will come back and tell all his friends about the service he was given.

Andy nice tutorial for what could be a difficult subject with all the differing vectorising programmes out there.

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