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Guest lockandkeycentre

The Multlock classic (square head) can be cut with the Silca triax e code and the matrix sx.


If you have an account with mutlock why wont they give you the blanks or the machines?


The JMA blank code is MULT3P1


we cut them on these all the time and have never had a problem.


Hope that helps



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Guest lockandkeycentre

They did the same thing to us in our old shop beacuse there was another multlock agent within 2 miles, so i brought the Triaxecode which does them electronically and started cutting loads of them! i was allowed to because the MULTLOCK rep told me they were no longer patented.


I am selling that triaxecode now check out my ad in the timpsons forum.



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Guest lockandkeycentre

I don't know how much they are but if you ring SKS they should do them, you'll need 2 tracers and 2 cutters for the inside and outside cuts.


We have them for the triaxecode and the matrix although they're a bit of a pain to cut on the matrix but you can do them, we charge around £10.00

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I enquired a little while ago with a couple of companies about tracers and cutters for ISEO dimple keys.They were really expensive (cant remember exactly how much, but I'm sure over £100) and the wait was about 12 weeks for them to come from Silca in Italy :shock:

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Multilock cutters are the F12A and F12B in generic part codes, they should fit most standard laser machines that use 6mm diameter cutters. Tracers are T12A and T12B. These are usually stock items for us.





Standard ISEO cutters are the F39, on the Silca cutters they're 48mm x 6mm with 90 degree tip angle with a 0.6mm base. Unfortunately we don't keep these in stock as standard.

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