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standard engraving font

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having just purchased a rotation s engraving machine from suregrave the software seems to have far to many fonts !!

i can't seem to locate a standard single block font for doing all my annual cups .

used to have a mastergrave old style universal which had single block

but the software im using has similar fonts but the spacing isn't the same.


any ideas on what you use or could some send me the file





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Guest AndrewJ

Hi Basher-bill


You do not say which software package you are using to run the rotation S. Is it SuperPro or SureLab, or something else. this will narrow down who can help.


If it is Surelab, then yes, lots of Fonts are delivered with the package, however only a minority of these are true engraving fonts (look through the line fonts directory). There are very few places to get additional engraving fonts from. By far the best source is www.Lamro.com who have an extensive list of single line and multiple line fonts. You will be looking for Fonts with a .vef file extension.

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Hi Basher,

I have a rotation S. The fonts I use are.


Trophy's & Pet Tags =HEAVYSL

I use the function which allows you to spread the letters to make it match prevous years.


Fancy, Wedding & Christening Stuff = LIBERTY


Anything Else = Times Roman


I agree way too many fonts.



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Guest Iain Cheall

I have the many fonts that come with G98 and have added several of my own including fonts based on Iron Maiden and Starsky and Hutch.


Had a young lady in for a tankard and she wanted me to match a coyboy font looked on my fave font site she spotted the perfect match 10 mins later she went away with her tankard several pounds lighter in the purse but with a big smile on her face.


You can't have too many fonts as UK says I give the customer the choice in nearly every job, it takes 2 mins to scroll through them, they get the satisfaction of getting exactly what they want.


I am in the process of making a ring binder with a printout of each font so they can browse them at their leisure.

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