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Small Finishers

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I will probably be investing in a new finisher next year and the present preferred choice is a 750SP as I am very limited for space. My present machine a Hardo is not as wide as the 750 and my question to Standard is this. Looking at the 750 I cannot see any reason why the width cannot be reduced by a good few inches off the left hand side as you look at it. SIZE is important to some of us!!!!

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I have a 750. I find it a great machine. Not sure if they could make it any smaller.


I would like a smaller finisher too but not found one yet. :(




They could make it 18" wide 48" high but you would not have a band scourer and it would be much slower to use as you would need to change fitting each time you wanted to use the trimmer/scourer/brushes.


The demand would probably not be sufficiant for it to be put into production.

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My Hardo is only 57cms wide. They stopped making them a long long time ago. It has 2 narrow bands, 3 brushes an iron, 1 padder, naumkeg, breast scourer and 2 cutters.


How about a picture then Russell?

At that size I'm interested in why it has not been copied and reproduced.

57cm is just about a couple of inches over the size that I think it is feasable to make one so cant wait to see the pictures.

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I think this is from a range called turbo, whitfield made a machine for a short period that was very smal but a double decker. cant remember the layout but it was something like a scourer with brushes above.


Was this the machine that got dropped when they were taken over?


dont know how to spell this but Raffenbaull of Germany did a twin tier one in the early 60s, I trialled it and it was superb, trimmer running at manufacturing speeds. Then it dissapeared like a puff of smoke, there one week then gone the next. Still thats what happens I suppose when you dont pay for things :wink:

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The dust exraction is in the lower part under everything that turns around.

Just a small gap.


I should have wrote:

The dust exraction is in the lower part under everything that turns around. Just a small narrow gap, and the gap for the airflow is to far away from the trimmer. Just what i think.


Carry on :D !

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Yes thats my machine. The dust extraction is actually quite strong.

Main faults are:

1. Not able to close off dust extraction to the naumkeg thereby increasing power to the band extraction.

2. There is air blowback through the centre of the machine where the drive belt is located...not severe but there.


I cannot see why an updated version of this cannot be produced.

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Simple, no demand. Our slowest selling line is the 750sp. Whilst it is very compact, it was designed to fit in where a 700 wouldn't, without too many compromises. The biggest compromise is the extraction, which goes against our current stategy of quieter, cleaner machines.


You need room for efficient extraction and small machines do not have it! Unless you have an independant extractor unit placed elsewhere.



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Hi Keith,

I have one of your 750sp which we bought from you new. I find this a great machine does everything we need it todo and is a great workhorse.


I would of thought this would of been a great little seller. With space being such a premium nowadays.


With all of us offering more and more services surely these machines are the way forward. You can fit them into a corner of the shop freeing up so much space. I cain't see how have the bulk of your shop tied up with a big finisher can pay nowadays.


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Danny, I remember the sale :D The difference in size is only 40 cm and most people manage to find the extra rather than accept the compromise.


I agree it's a cracking little machine, but volume of work is also a factor. Horses for courses really, I'm glad you happy with it and await your next order :wink:



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