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Shoe Repairer Forum

Sandal dog destroy repaired.

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Hola, I let here a little tutorial of a repair of a disaster caused for the best friend of the humans, the dog. :D


Sorry for the translation. Lee, if you can change some words for better understanding, do it.



First the pic of the disaster.




One little trick: wet card (carton) and let dry on press.




Take out the heel and separate middle sole and sole.



Cut a band leather same colour, this band must be litle short than the realy measure.(Because later we stretch it a little). The begin and finish of the leather band, we decide according of line of shoe, in this case it is arround all the uncovered heel, but we can take advantage of the finish of heel, the begining of one strip, for conceal the union.


Skive the leather band in all sides, and we can write a line for help us.

Glue in band and middle sole



Hold the band with one finger of one hand and with the oter hand we strech a little and put against the edge. (Because it the band is little short, in this way we get less creases).



Share out the creases, more carefully on up side. We can use the tool you see in the pic, a sting, fingers...




Hammering all, glue the middle sole and the sole. Put a new cushion.




New insole...






New heel...



And... voilá.




Health to everyone! :D

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Corlas just added it to the tutorials page


A pleasure to can contribute in this forum.


How much would you charge for a job like that


I did it for a repairman friend. I think he get 20€ because is a very good customer. If don´t, more sure.


good tip on wetting the card corlas the gypsy


Yes, and is also good often in the middle sole in the part of fingers.


Very rewarding and theraputic


Yes, but this therapy don't finish my madness :roll:


Health to everybody! :lol:

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Here is your next job. :lol:




No Problem hugh, I've sorted it out for you.


No Corlas, It was destroyed by UK900 trying to repair it :lol: :lol: :lol:

He said he had an accident!!! :lol: :lol:


Idiot! :roll: just bring it to me first time round, next time.



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