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talking about shoes and leathers

Guest Marcell

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Guest Marcell

Yes, you are right.. The problem, that I am in Hungary, which is a post communist country, people get used to low prices, so many of them don't tend to pay this amount for a shoe. But your information was very useful, as I plan to deliver abroad, UK, Germany, maybe US in the future.

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Yes Marcell, may be in Hungary the prices are low. I thing than houses and live are more cheap too. (I suppose).


But I've seen your two last videos another, and this way to work, in "Europe", must be paid.


About shanks, if you can found a wood ones, in the same way of working you can prove it. :wink:


Thanks Marcell, really your videos are nice. Health! :D

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Guest Marcell

Thanks Xminit! We work hard on it.. :)


BTW I don't understand this "shank" thing.. what we are talking about, and where it is coming from? Sorry... my bad English again..

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Marcell, shanks are the metal pieces for consevate the arc in shoes.


  Hugh-Candoit (ENG) said:
I hate Wooden shanks


Hi Grumpy Smurf :lol: :lol: :lol:


For a heel not more than 2,5 or 3 cm, never broken wooden shanks if you reforce them well done, not only one layer of sole, but two. :wink:


Polyethilene isn't rigid.


Health! :D


P.D: We say in Spain better later than never :wink:


Metal shanks...



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Guest Marcell

I really don't undertand this metal shank think.. But I am happy that "my" forum goes so well (even because of this) :D


What about to talk about leathers? hmm? In Hungary I can buy 1 m2 upper leather approx 30 - 60 euro. How about this in Spain? I always search for new sources... (especially exotic ones).

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Guest Marcell

Yes I did. I usually buy spanish and italian leathers from Hungarian resellers. Frankly, sometimes I am not so satisfied with the italian leather's quality - maybe this is just a problem with those I can find here.. I don't know. Which leather do you use to your work? And I also would be interested in the prices...

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Hugh-Candoit (ENG), I think that one shoe musn't be flexible in the arch. Repeat, I think it.


The tanneries in Barcelona are missing, and i think that is good for this forum when a person ask for his interestings.

You should be able to get prices direct on the internet from the tanneries


Yes, but ever help if somebody can get a link directly. :wink:


Marcell, I can't help you in this, because I do a few production, and ever I have problems to get good leather. Because you must buy not one, but ten...


In Italy there is a tradition bespoke, because it, is posible you find more there. Personaly thinking, Germany leathers are not cheap but hight quality.



Health! :D

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  Corlas said:
Hola, I think than as moderator you are Hugh, you can move the post under your prefers forum, and in this way, the conversation is not cutting like now.

Health! :D


I have split the topic & added it to the shoe repairs section hopefully I split it in the right place!



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Lee is back! :lol:

I wish you has relax and enjoy in your holidays.

Thanks, I think you has split in the correct way.



Carry on Marcell and every body!


Health! :D


Remembering the question was about leather good quality, where and how.

Unforgeting the great videos of Marcell!

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Guest Marcell

So let's get back to my questions about leathers... Do you know some reliable source to exotic leathers in Europe? I am interested in buying alligator, rayskin, maybe snake...

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Guest Marcell



I checked the page - thats what I call expensive.. :) On the onther hand: minimum order is 50 piece from crocodile? I am not making shoes for a Hollywood cinema (unfortunately). I would need only 2-4 pieces at a reasonable price.

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Guest Marcell

Yes Corlas, I know them. Very helpful company BTW. I would need an European shop. Never mind - I will find something..


Another question: I have a demand to calculate prices for film costume-shoes. What do you think about it? Have you ever worked for a movie?

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Have you ever worked for a movie?


Yes, I'm Robert Redford and Paul Newman together. :lol: :lol:


This is humor...


I don't understand well. But if one tv or cinema want you, what I know is that they have high prices normaly.


One work I did for a spot tv, I became a high price for my work. And nobody says nothing bad. Is relative, is not the same a big film house or a little...


Repeat than I've not sure understanding. :roll:



Health! :D


P.D: If the film is about your work, I think that the price would be your work + the time you lost for be it possible.

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Guest Marcell

Actually they asked me to make 30-40 boots but at a very low price -approx 50 USD. I thought this is a joke. Now they have an other demand to threee boots (maybe for the main actors I guess). So? What would you say?


ps. At the moment I don't want to have any film about myself or my work - I already made that for youtube. More than enough...

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