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Yes UK you're right.


I should have mentioned that all the machines I'd skimmed were at least 10 years old.


I remember one of my old bosses walking in on me skimming the machine once - he was absolutley livid about what I was doing to his machine that he'd paid so much for!


Although, to be fair, he did congratulate me once he saw the effect it had on the engraving afterwards and insisted I skimmed it once a year from then on!


Yes, a radical solution it may be - a great one for those with machines that are over a certain age and out of warranty, but probably not the correct one in this circumstance.


Try the micrometer on the material too - you'll be amazed at some of the variation over a small area




I find alot of rigid laminates are guilty of this Kev, I've sent no end back to the supplier because they are wavy.won't lie flat on the bed etc, they say its because of the extreme tempiture in the factory... Eerm not my problem :D

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Perspex is the worst culprit. You get 2 types, cast or extruded. One of them is rolled through a machine and is nearly always spot on, the other stuff I don't know what they do with it but its crap. I've had 3mm thick sheets that were 4mm at one end and 1.5mm at t'other.

Only problem is I can't remember which is which! :?

Apart from the huge difference in price that is!

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I should have mentioned that all the machines I'd skimmed were at least 10 years old.



Bloody ell Kev, he's a tight git That chris wilson, 10 years old. What do they run on............Coal :lol: :lol:


You turn out some good stuff on those machines :wink:


You should know by now UK - its not just the machine, but the people who operate them! :wink:


Never mentioned skimming my current machine, although with the engraving tables I've currentley got, I'd imagine we'll get another 10 -15 years outta them yet!

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I've just got to remember to feed and water the hampster, before he has a hard day running in his wheel to turn my spindle!!!!!


I once worked on a machine that was so old, the boss bought it off an old guy with a beard, with the cash Noah bought himself a new boat!!!!!! :lol:

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I've just got to remember to feed and water the hampster, before he has a hard day running in his wheel to turn my spindle!!!!!


I once worked on a machine that was so old, the boss bought it off an old guy with a beard, with the cash Noah bought himself a new boat!!!!!! :lol:



Just in case he's looking 8-[


The Noah machine wasn't connected in any way to Mr Wilson :lol:

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Guest Iain Cheall

As you know I have just got my 400 and it is slightly out of alignment perhaps one of the gravo reps or uk900 could do a step by step tutorial on resetting the bed. :D as it would be a waste of time skimming the bed as you would need to do it everytime you put it on, as you would never get it back on in exactly the same place. (sorry kev - I have seen your machines and I think you need an extra hamster :lol: )

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No, its available from Gravograph, its much better than masking tape etc, it doesn't clog up your nose cone and only the engraved bits come away. ensuring the cone never touches the serface of the job :wink:




Just in case anyone didn't understand the tape bit...







The quality of the pictures ain't the best but you get the idea.

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Guest Iain Cheall



by the way uk what font is that i've looked right through my gravo 98 and couldn't find it, so i am guessing its a gravo 5 font :(


tried this using some cheap zippo copies i bought off ebay for display purposes, not too bad except where it swaps from the body to the lid being cheap copies they dont sit perfectly like a real one. :wink:

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Guest Iain Cheall
The font is Edwardian Script (True Type fonts).


It is a G5 font & not on gravo 98 unfortunately :?


Cheers Dean, should have known better to post a question for your dad :smt064 I should have just asked you :smt046


I wonder if it can be added to the gravo 98 font list mmmm will have to work on that

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Guest Iain Cheall
Thanks mate i've done that


Iain, I've sent you the font you wanted to your websites "info" account.




Thanks for that Mark but could you resend it please as it hasn't arrived.


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