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Stock taking

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I've not picked up a single pair of shoes for 3 days! todays the end of my financial year & I've just spend 3 days preparing pricing, counting & finalising my stock take. I do use a spreadsheet on the computer to do all the sums, but boy does it take some time to do a stock take!


Rhiannon & I got a baby sitter in on monday night and we spent untill 10.30 pm here, yesterday I only did my normal morning and closed at 12, but today I was here by 7.30am and will leave hopefully by 7.30pm so in man hours I would say its taken 26 hours to perform the task!


Still tomorrow I can spend all day chasing my tail to catch up on the work back log! happy days!



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Hola Corlos



venda (el SUMINISTRO)

El cantidad total de bienes o la cantidad de un tipo particular de bienes disponibles en una tienda que Esta tienda vende sus acciones viejas en un

precios muy bajos. Estaremos obteniendo nuestras nuevas acciones en el viernes.



1 Si una tienda o la fábrica venden algo, mantiene un suministro de ello: La mayoría de los supermercados venden una gran variedad de vinos.


2 en llenar algo tal como una alacena o arrinconan con alimento o bienes: El tiene una media del trabajo de el sábado arrincona en el supermercado local. Yo siempre vendo arriba el refrigerador antes mi hermana viene a permanecer.



Una tienda que vende un tipo particular de bienes: un distribuidor de alimentos naturales



el contar de todos los bienes, las materias, etc. mantuvo en un lugar tal como una tienda




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Tel200, thanks.


Now I understand why you enjoy with my transtations posts, because I can't stop laughing when I read your's in spanish :lol: :lol:


I'm not an artist, I'm not a poet, but I live like them :P


Without money, ever love the wrong/mistake girl, never I became her love... :P (well, almost never...)


For this reason I make humor with the stock word, but I think was better to put this post in "just for fun" because Lee can get angry for my interference in his idea of the post.


Sorry Lee and thanks Tel200.



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Taking Stock :lol: :lol: :lol: your having a laugh


Well that's summat I stopped doing ten years ago after I worked out my stock figure really don't flutuate that much, + or - a few hundred quid


Happy Days


For me, my business is still expanding, ten years ago I didn't do engraving, watch batteries, vinyl lettering or as many keys. Prices increase with inflation & when you get investigated it helps show how efficient & accurate your business accounting system is.


Mind you counting 12,000 key blanks alone does take more time than necessary, but I count every thing from split rings to pet tags I don't estimate anything! but I've always had a sense of pride when I've finished.


The other importance of a good stock take apart from your accounts is for insurance, if I had a fire I can supply my insurance company a stock valuation & by comparing year on year I'd know what to replace and what not too. its amazing every year I think thats sold well, to something I hadn't even noticed through the year.



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Lee, surely you can automate some of this work with an epos system or even up to date spreadsheets.


For example, I used to keep an inventory of all the stock of Woly shoe cream I had in my storeroom. Then, when I stocked up the shelves I would knock off what I'd taken out. The only counting to be done was on the shelves, 2 minute job!


Epos has come a long way in the last few years and is not as expensive as it once was. If you put a cost to your time on your stock take, you would be surprised how many hours you do just to keep our tight fisted chancellor in a job :evil:


You must have better things to do than count 12000 keys :shock:



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I theory this would be great, BUT for such a small business as mine, if every time an order came in I amended records on my database or every time I sold something I altered the stock cards or database over the course of a year this would actually take more hours than a few days spent stock taking.

Especially on my keys, this is my biggest line, and continually amending this database would take a lot longer over a whole years turnover.

My Dad runs a very successful wholesale business and over the years has used just about every stock control system thats out there, and now uses a very state of the art system so I have had good advice on and seen many ways to do this job. I have had long conversations with many people about small business stock control, and really feel in terms of man hours the system I use is the most efficient. Part computer spreadsheet, part manual labour.


At the end of the day its not an easy task to do properly! What system for stock taking do others use?


Now I must get on, Today I'm finalising my books ready for the accountants. So can every one stop posting and distracting me :?



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  • 2 months later...
Guest shabbir

we have developed a highly effective epos solution which we have developed over the past 4 years. it not only allows you to manage stock but have greatly reduce fraud. the first stock take we did 3 years ago we realised the stock was out by 25% (3,000) in 1 month.


An epos is vital for business which are run by employed staff.

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I have to agree, No matter how small you biz, Epos is a fantastic tool, my friend had it 5yrs before me and I told him it was to expensive (£2000 inc all hardwear) Until he went on Holiday and I looked after his store for 2wks, I orderd myself a system the day I went back to my own store, I kid you not, it is the very best purchase you will ever buy, The ability to look at Stock,Margin,weekly,mounthly, Quarterly figures, The ability to take a customers sales reciept and call up the jobcard/issue a refund/open a club card/run customer accounts




We now have an association with this company because now that I have 10 of these till systems in use they have helped me grow from a one man biz into a better business with a handle on all thing finacial/stock/commisions/variation of stock etc etc


I would have never been able to grow if it was not for this technology.

even if you only want to stay small you still need to be bin control of your stock/money/accounts/customers, anyone wanting to talk about epos can PM me and I will call them and have a chat, im not selling

Im only trying to show what a powerfull tool it can be.

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How would an Epos system work for items with hundreds of stock lines such as key blanks or trophy plates? do you have to print bar codes for each or can you enter a blank number in the till?


Can the software be run with a scanner from the computer or do you need the entire till?



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First of all, EPOS is only short for Electronic Point Of Sale. Its Just a computer with some addons !


1 x Basic PC

1 x Barcode scanner

1 x Till printer ( optional ) can use fast A4 printer

1 x cash drawer ( Optional ) can use cash tin

1 x Till style Keyboard ( optional ) can use normal with overlay.


Sales can be rang up either via a cash sale or as a bar coded sale, on items like keys were they are not barcoded you can have a laminated card at the side of the till with pre-priced barcodes from suppliers, you just swipe the relavant barcode that you have alreadys setup that contains the supplier,cost and retail price, The VAT and Taxman realise that the cost of a product like keys will go up and down a couple of % per year so every time you get a new batch in you modify your cost price, This would not be done with every single key, you would group them into Supplier,type ,cost and retail price.

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So it would be no good for stock take control, with hundreds of lines you couldn't bar code all of them on the side of the till on cards. it just tells you how much you are selling from each supplier?



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Yes it would, You start with a number of keys, every one you sell reduces your stock by 1, you would still need to do a physical count to check for any theft or sales that you pocketed the cash !

but you can check week bye week on different stock lines at the push of a button, my till tells me evry week what I have sold, from who,how much margin each supplier returned, how long each item sold was on the shelf, etc etc, It also prints out a supplier reorder form to fax or email to replenish stock if I tell it.

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Originally this thread was about stock take, I still don't see how this system can keep control of the 1090 different key blanks that I keep in stock which is why I am inquisitive as to what it can do.


would I have to enter each and every one individually each time an order came in, and then enter each and every key I cut, including each and every one that the bit broke of during cutting or one I miss-cut ? would this not then be any good for a till sytem.


I still see this being more work per week, per day than my yearly count.


My till tells me what I have turned over on keys, which days are best, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly totals, hourly trends etc.


I have no staff, so theft or pocketing doesn't happen so I really can't see how this system wouldn't simply generate work (for me)



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Ok, firstly if by not havin staff it means you dont get loss from theft then im amazed, We had someone reach into the window and steel the baby jesus at christmass from the nativaty scene, honest ! unless all yous stock is behind glass and counters then your going to get the odd bit lost, as for not ringing up a sale, well we wont go into that on a public forum !


EPOS is not perfect for "keys" only, the best advice my accountant gave me was , "if you put shite in , you get shite out " You would not have to imput every singel key, you would group them together


For exanple I have just had 25 bags of keys from my local Cash and carry

On the EPOS the supplier is already on the database ( entered last year )

The 25 bags of keys have 6 different prices, so I open my stock box and increase each off the barcoded keys sales by the numbe of each keys im adding, Job done 250 keys added to stock on about 20 mouse klicks, I can then go to that suppliers "stockbox and print an inventory and it will show me how many keys I have from that supplier, what my totoal cost of stock from him is, what my retail value is, what my margin/gp/net/vat/ all are for that one supplier, or I can open up my search and ask for "all" suppliers or mixed ( only keys) or only keyrings etc etc

You dont and could never track every single key, it would be to hard and too time consuming, You track batches of same price keys, Its all about "averages" in the accounting Epos world, No one amends every key by 1p every time brass moves 0.0001p per ton, you only update and modify when your buyin price alters, I find it great when am order comes in , I go to the epos to input stock and see that the price has gone up! I get right on the phone to the supplier and say HOY what yer game, more often as not they say "Oh I dont no whats happened here ! you have been allocated the wrong discount code ! we will issue a credit" If I had to do this with paper based controls it would take ages sifting threw old invoices, this was how I spotted the huge increase in steel 6 wks ago, we went to enter stock and BAM, what was showing a prev price of £10 had now an invoice price of £22 we called straight away and a credit note came threw the post.......................................EPOS 1 Suppier 0

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Well I am very surprised ! For a man who has a good grasp on technology you need to go and look at what this tech can offer you, For 5yrs I said not for me ! and it was only my friend who bought it first that convinced me, In any business large or small control is Key. You would never ever dream of trying to repair shoes or cut keys or prog a car transponder without the right tool for the job, yet so many small businesses limp bye with old fashioned methods of controlling there money/stock and more importantly there customers !


If you look at the guys who you admire and who have succesfull businesses you will more often as not find that they bit the bullet and invested in some form of Money/stock/customer control systems (EPOS)


Anyone else have POS ?

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Well I am very surprised ! For a man who has a good grasp on technology you need to go and look at what this tech can offer you


I agree with you, which is why I entered into this one with some questions, I'm not saying NEVER, but purely fro stock control, I currently like to do my stock take in more detail.

Either way I have to enter the details, and do the counting at least once. The only difference is with the Epos system I would have to generalise gategories and enter every order that arrived and with my own system I do this once a year.

HOWEVER For stock its not for me, but for job cards/issue a refund/open a club card/run customer accounts etc it sounds very interesting.



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