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I like the green detailing. What colour are the soles? they look pink from the image, what material are they?


Nice Colorful design.


Good work, thanks for sharing! Ascap29 DO NOT DELETE THIS POST! hahaha



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First, thanks.


I like the green detailing. What colour are the soles? they look pink from the image, what material are they?



Hola Lee, I know nothing about materials, but Alex and Marc, my shoerepairer friends ever help me in this. I put a photo, and if you have really interesting, I can ask for the name. There are two colours in this material, clear grey and almost white, (4 mm).






P.D: Lee, you know I have almost one hundred photos of the process, but I'm not able for sharing one to one, because my PC is not fast. If you know a short way, I'm happy to show you.

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Hola, now, when I see the forum, I'm sad to see my post near of , (for example), windows vista post.


Yes, I know this is miscellaneous subforum ... (the place Lee said me I can post), but I think that in this way, shoemakers really haven't interesting in this forum.


Don't seems to me accurate or just.



Is only my thinking.





In this way, I think that my next posts will be in "just for fun" seems to me more sincerous place.

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Hola, I'm not sure to what pink article you refers, the wedge is in cork virgin, and the insole is sintetic material with memory, (elastic). But I thought Lee ask me for the sole...


In orthopedic works, virgin cork, is the best material for wedges, because don't deform and is flighty (not heavy). Micro is almost the same but deforms with use, virgin cork not.


I hope we understand.


Salud! (Health!)



What is this? ( Brothel Creepers)

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And for those of use with a black and white TV tel said something like


brothel a place where men go and pay to have sex with prostitutas enredadera a plant that grows by the ground, or above walls or trees


Well thats what babel fish told me anyway!




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The Original Creeper:


The George Cox creeper is as fashionable today as it’s always been. Since 1949 we’ve been making them to the same exacting standards. (With Goodyear welted construction, of course.) On streets or catwalks, the original creeper is as timeless as ever.


La Enredadera Original:


La enredadera de George Cox está hoy como de moda como siempre ha sido. Desde que 1949 nosotros los hemos estado haciendo a los mismos estándares exigentes. (Con Goodyear levantó un verdugón en la construcción, por supuesto). En calles o pasarelas, la enredadera original es tan eterna como jamás.



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Olé Tel200, now I understand.


Really, my style is copy of 70's sport shoes (adidas, victoria, keds, converse all stars...). But are orthopedics, and I only found standart rubber soles, for this reason, I sew a leather sash imitating like I can. And this ¿sash? helps too for don't deformed.



I've found two examples:









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The original Adidas ones corlas, I used to make those and had them in all colours, very popular in the 70s then re-introduced early 2000 under the name of Retro. Cant remember the original name but the new ones have a Shell sole unit that was on the Stan Smith Tennis shoes.

The original soles were 10mm rubber with a 10mm wedge covered with a 2mm Rand.


The new ones are not as good as the original ones.

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Hola, these are my first orthopedic adidas copy. Years ago...:? :lol:


The original were black and wite, with orange details in his logo and orange quilted. And in mines, I put colours.


I repaired and changed quilted, in the first was clear blue.







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Hola Hugh, yes, this were my first work in colours when I worked in an Orthopedy and almost ever making black bluchers...:cry: and I made these ones for me :lol:

My sadness is I don't have camera when was realizated :cry:

Adidas and Converse was ever my prefers really I like a lot of adidas models.


The right, the orthopedic, have one hole more in shoelaces.:wink:

Now, I try to put the same number of holes in my orthopedic shoes..



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