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Goodyear stitcher idenitification

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Goodyear stitcher idenitification




As you may be aware there are different makes of Goodyear around and sometimes identifying which model you have can be a problem as most parts are not interchangeable so I have tried to help you with the following photos and explanations.


There are 2 main makes of Goodyear, K&B(Keats & Bexon) and Standard, that I will explain the main differences but these are not the only makes as there is also a version made by Whitfield which is rare and will always be a problem so I am ignoring it here. Just to muddy the waters more there is also a version of a Goodyear made by Standard called a number 7 which has different cams and 99% different parts which must also be ignored as these 99% of parts are unavailable. Then once we have reached the bottom of the lake the water will become completely black when I mention that this tutorial is not the be all and end all only a fairly good indicator – there are always exceptions to the rules. The indicators I will point out stand good for older machines but heads on newer bases can have been modified to accept parts from other machines so you will have to look at the tutorial as a whole but if any doubt ask when you ring for parts or mention the things I point out.


• easiest indicator is if there is a name plate on your machine, Standard machines tend to have a brass plate on the head cover, sometimes on the column, K&B tend to have a serial plate down the column.






• the shuttle ring is stepped on Standard but a solid ring on K&B (2), this is not interchangeable so is a good initial pointer






• the lifter has a height adjusting nut on Standard (1 below) and none on K&B (1 above)




• the machine castings have numbers beginning with G stamped on them on Standard heads (2 above and below) but no numbers on K&B (second picture below)







• the clamp nuts for needles and awls are 10mm from side to side on Standard (1 above) and 8mm on K&B (2 below) – this is one of the possibly interchanged parts so not completely accurate but you would need to let your supplier know which one is fitted irrespective of head make. The easiest way to check is to measure from side to side on your spanner




• lastly, the back stop on Standard (below) tends to be a large sliding stop whereas K&B use ones attached or around the top of the table (1 above).





Hope this helps and if you know different let me know.



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