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Shoe Repairer Forum

Reort on problem NHS footwear

Guest Phil the Cobbler

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I know some of you occasionally get involved with NHS footwear either by making or repairing footwear. Over the past 3 months I have been busy compiling a report on the problems of poor NHS footwear and how it effects both the industry and the patients who rely on the service.


To date I have received contributions by Orthotists, NHS Managers, Shoemakers, Disabled Organisations and around 50 indivfiduals who have had problems. I would like to hear from people involved with the repair of NHS footwear too especially if they have good case histories.


When completed the report has been requested by the Dept of Health, Minister for the Disabled, RADAR and all sorts of professionals and departments.


Hopefully the report will bring some changes to the service but I am a realist, I'm not holding my breath. Someone has to try though.


If you want a copy of the report, email me and I can send you the download version.



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as you know Phil I have worked for the NHS for the past 12 years repairing,adapting and making footwear, it is not until recently that the quality has progressed. wether this is because their are fewer guys out there working within the NHS and not with the tendors. When I first started their was 8 guys doing the job now your lucky if their is more than 3, but not all to what I think is high quality. its down to the individual to make a good job not the managers and with the lack of new blood coming into the job we must do something to bring some changes to the industry.


I commend you.. :D :D :D



can you email me a copy Ta..

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