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Shoe Repairer Forum

URGENT - National shoe repair week help needed.

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Hugh, why on earth do you persist with this US and THEM thing. There are NO restrictive practices as far as we are concerned other than membership.


ALL our members can exhibit if they chose, it's THEIR choice :shock:


Over 20 members every year pay there membership fee which entitles them to exhibit, THEY chose not to. I would like to see ALL members exhibit EVERY year and there's no reason why they shouldn't or can't.


I would guess that economics play a part, but outside of that, they have an option.


Now please, drop this nonsensical clap trap of , US and THEM and assist us building a closer relationship with the repairers, please?



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To be honest hugh, I actually agree with Keith on this one (not very often but I do!) I went to the cutting edge AGM where they gave a presentation on the shoe repair week, I put my 2 pence worth in and was a non-member. I have also phoned the committee members and passed judgement. Also I was invited to sit on the AGM of the MSA just after the cutting edge one, & I am aware there is no love lost between myself & the MSA in fact it got quite heated (at least I enjoyed it!) I desperately wanted to exhibit at the show last year but missed the boat.

This year round I freely joined the Cutting edge paid for my membership, booked the stand , built it etc etc.

Freely and openly, sure I’ve gained respect with the site over the last year, but I am not a true “supplierâ€Â

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When booking venues food is not our priority. Over the last few years, it has been much more difficult to find suitable venues. After last years food fiasco at Wickstead Park, this year should be better.


It is aslo in the hands of the vendors. Sandown Park is normally better than most and I would prefer to judge the quality of the catering, after the event.



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Thank you Rick for your comments. As a committee we often feel that some of our efforts are not appreciated and as you say we can only gain in supplying a greater quantity of goods if you in turn are selling more.


National Shoe Repair Week was a brain Wave to put Shoe Repairing back infront of people who have either slipped away from the idea of repairing shoes or were not aware of the skill.


Advertising is a start and every high street displaying the same banners and posters would cement the recognition. Much like the adverts on television for meat only advertise an industry that's what we are trying to achieve.


We will run events and build up the coffers to run the same campaign in 2008 but as you say we need to work together and to do this we need help in knowing how to attract the repairer on mass to the initiative.


I know Lee will do everything to help us and his efforts are much appreciated.


National Shoe Repair week was featured on the Steve Wright show another success of the PR Company we have used.


I think many have had a lost opportunity but could turn it round for the end of the week.





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I have explained the reasons in previous posts as to why we ask for membership prior to exhibiting, if you refuse to exept that then thats your perogative. I do not feel I should have to explain myself again, I am tooooooooooo busy.


Now can we please move on.



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Any Supplier can become a member of Cutting Edge the only stipulation is that to be a supplier they have to have distribution in the UK.


Due to Cutting Edge being run by volunteers we only meet 4/5 times a year and this is when members are accepted. If an application happens to come in shortly before an exhibition and there is no committee meeting the applicant would be unable to exhibit at that years exhibition.


Cutting Edge needs members to be able to operate and indeed run the exhibition. The Exhibition is one of the major benefits of membership and that is why we have always operated in this manor. There is no closed door operation I can assure you and it is one of the reasons the committee is made up of a member from each sector Shoe Care, Wholesale, Machinery, Engraving, Keys, Trophies, Shoe Repairer.


We normally have our last meeting 10 weeks before the exhibition and can only assume the application in question came in after this meeting.


We can only apologise and make people aware of the procedure in future.


As Keith has already said enough said.


Caroline Collins (Yes newly wed)

Chairman Cutting Edge

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I like like to make it known to you all that most of my posts are not entirely my own views but those of many who are not members of this forum. They are however, very skilled and not so skilled tradespeople, some working for themselves and some working for others. I ask questions on their behalf as well as my own, a sort of Devils Advocate.

Please do not think that any subject that I post to is a personal Crusade, this one included.

There are some very angry people that try to bend my ear and the anger is all aimed in one direction. The Exhibition.


Perhaps one needs to take notes of the shortcomings, particular this years National Event and address all the negative comments, all the cock-ups, all the things that could have been done better after the show and turn them into a positive plan of action for the next year.

If it had not been for this forum we would never have known what was going on, one wonders how many other campaigns have been fought on similiar lines.


Getting this trade to do anything collectively is probably the biggest hurdle.

I did my bit in another direction but am aware of the huge army of sceptics that reside in shelterd places of Villages and smaller towns that have very little contact with the rest of the trade. hopefully this forum may be the saving grace and will bring them together collectively where trade organisations and Magazines have failed over the years.

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Why do critics insist on talking amongst themselves instead of talking to the people who can make a difference.


We, as the committee would welcome ANY crisism that is presented to us. NOTHING will cahnge if you say NOWT to no one :shock:


We, in addition to 'Cutting Edge' magazine receive relatively little mail, so, from that, we assume that we're not doing a bad job :?


Bring on these, ANGRY, people and let them have their say. My shoulders are plenty big enough and if it means taking a bit of flack to get it right and make improvements, so be it!



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I think I must be the biggest loser from the National Shoe Repair week!!!!!!!!!!!!


I spent hours through out the week Emailing back inquiries that had arrived via searches that ended up finding the forum.


Now today I have just repaired two pairs of leather soles & heels for Tony (see page 1 of this topic), which I received today! a week after the event! and I did both pairs FOC. this was to keep intact the reputations of the forum, the NSRW & me!


Win some lose some!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well it cost me 2 pairs of Leather soles and Heels a trip to the Post Office & an ear bashing from Rhiannon but I received this Email today



Received my shoes back from you and to say the least,"What a fantastic job"


you have done. I can only say a big thanks to you and your team at the shop


for the excellent piece of work. You are truly a master of your trade!


I have communicated the great efforts and lengths that you went to in


providing me with your service.


Many many thanks again and it was a superb gesture that you did for me



You are definitely on my Christmas card list



Best regards






So it cost me £60 worth of repairs, but hay at least it reflected the trade in a more positive light!



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Why do critics insist on talking amongst themselves instead of talking to the people who can make a difference.


We, as the committee would welcome ANY crisism that is presented to us. NOTHING will cahnge if you say NOWT to no one :shock:


We, in addition to 'Cutting Edge' magazine receive relatively little mail, so, from that, we assume that we're not doing a bad job :?


Bring on these, ANGRY, people and let them have their say. My shoulders are plenty big enough and if it means taking a bit of flack to get it right and make improvements, so be it!





A good starting point Keith would be to ask if all the committee members are members of this forum.

I would estimate that within the next 6 months most of the prominent members of the trade will be observers or contributors. Some will have a good deal of knowlege about promotions, some will be good at spotting shortcomings. Give them the chance to contribute through the forum.

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