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If you are going to the Exhibition then there will be several sellers of this and other similiar items Rick.

CB should have them.

The reason you may be having requests for them is that the armed forces are using them to get the final high shine on their parade boots and if there are any passing out parades then this is the time you will get the request.

You dont need to be undertaking Watch Repairs to get these cloths, Cousins and most other suppliers will supply you direct from a Credit card number if you dont want to deal with a wholesaler.

If you need any more help on this topic please PM me.

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Rick, I don't believe you've just mentioned that. I have just this minit come back from the jewelery Quarter, to get some watch straps, Pins, tool's etc. I bloody forgot all about it... Sorry mate, I'll make sure I don't forget next time. Sorry Rick :(




A card of 12 x 20mm padded straps £11.98. Does that sound like a good price. alot cheaper than my usual supplier, good quality aswell :D

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