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has anybody else had the new yale keys come into the shop

the head of the key looks simalar to a dom key,also when you start

cutting the key at the neck directly below at the bottom there a notch

out of it. I had 2 in yesterday and cut a universal and they havent came

back so hopefully that the right key to cut.

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  • 1 month later...

The key you have seen is the latest key Yale are suppling with there boxed 1109 cylinders almost certainly coming from the far east.

It has a square head as you said similar to DOM the profile is very similar to a Yale no 8 (1A) but does seem to have a slight difference, i have copied it onto an HD 1A this worked well, the cut out on the back apears to have no importance. I do have a picture but unable to add it to this, hope this helps.

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Guest napster (1961-2007)


success....i to have used the 1a blank for this

key with no problems on a 1109 lock....

need to check it on a euro type cylinder

as the length is different so will have to see....


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