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Victor Thread

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That sounds about right.

What happens when the Ink washes off in the rain as most of these threads are waxed or polyester. does the customer walk around with white stitches showing or do they return them for re-inking?


Good trade for Inks then eh?


Been doing so now for 30 years and never seen it wear off, and yes I do get lots of return trade. :D


I was not under the impression that you had been an Independant for 30 years?

Had you not used to work for Multiples?

Did they allow you to use White thread on the Welts?



Yes white thread was allowed as long as you finished the job correctly. As for for being an independant for 30 years well I started work at a indi and doing contract work for the bsc and tandem shoes,13 of us repairing up to 2000 pair a week in a factory/workshop, when that bubble burs I joined minit.

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Are you condoning the use of White thread on Welts?


Is this not the same as using White Cotton on the Patcher when stitching Black uppers then inking the White thread Black?


How can you say the job was Finished correctly when you were covering up something that should not have been done in the first place?


Sorry boss, I will use black thread from now on :roll:

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