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woly protector

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sice we started retailing the woly 3x3 protector we've begun to sell more and i think it's due in the large part that it advertises that it will also do coats and bags on the tin, something a lot of the other manufacturer's don't.


just a thought for those of you who may require a change of protector 8)

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punch, have been doing a good offer, though ,where you get double the amount for the same price. sold loads and loads, that's good value. woly products i've tried have been good, but , i wish they would use diffe.rent colour lids for the diffrent sprays in their range, this would make it easier for customers to recognise the tin they're after, just an idea. think if they did this more people would change over.......... just a thought, ps. woly cream is very good ,the ones in the dumpy jars. got some free samples used it on my girl's school shoes . looked great............

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i only buy woly protecter when they have there 20% exter tins so my customers have a good buy every time, my son went to the lakes last year and took a tin of protecter with him his mates sprayed there shoes and trainers as none of them had proper boots and they were impressed so it makes me more comfident to sell it, have any of you guys tried himalayer wax a super product

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  • 3 months later...

we've had that service offered prominently for months but have so far received no queries :?

maybe we should actually offer to waterproof their items as they come in for repair, only thing is, i don't wanna sound like i'm just trying to maximise my gains from them.

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if i expand any more, i'll need some o' that white elastic yer after for my trews!!!! (btw


you mean elaborate? :lol: here goes, simple really: multiple colourful and bold signs around my premises in places where we would expect the customer to normally peruse. short of pinning these notices to their foreheads i can't think of anything else i coulda done differently.

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May seem a tad strange this but how long have you personally, been trading in that location and have you got room for a fish Tank?

What room have you got outside the shop ie. any room for another A frame. Do you have any adverts outside the shop?


And no, the fish tank is not for me to sit in while I watch what you are doing.


I dont personally need the elastic rick just a supplier for a friend some distance away in need.

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we can't display A boards outside of our unit hugh :cry:

i want an A board to display outside of the building to point people in our general direction 8).

now you mention it though, we do have those snazzy new display frames that i may try out with an A2 poster advertising the waterproofing, i'll let you know how it goes.

been in our location nearly ten years fella 8).

won't be there in five though!!!!

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Hi Guys

Protector 3x3 is a superb waterproofing product and used regularly will keep the water out.


However if you wish to offer a service to waterproof someones boots or golf shoes for example the ultimate combination would be to first clean with Combi Proper (proofing agent contained within) Protest, then polish with Himalaya Wax the high level of Bees Wax in this product also waterproofs and finish with Wet Blocker which will be launched shortly. More expensive than 3x3 but it is a total blocker to even the smallest moisture partical allowing the impregnation to last even longer.


I have seen the lab tests on this product and did bring up when 3x3 is already at the top of its tree why the need for Wet Blocker? The answer was products have come on the market with the addition of Nano Technology and in tests some of these come very close and one equals the effects of 3x3 protector.


It has taken 2 years to perfect the WET BLOCKER recipe and it simply does that invisibly blocks everything, it is amazing. (but I would say that) I will leave it to you guys to come up with your own conclusions. If you would like, forward your address and I will send you a sample.



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Latest gadjet brought to mind by Caroline & Nano Tec.


Shoes are now being fitted with Nano Technology whereby at the first sign of rain, the sensors detect within the sustructure and open up the natual pores to allow subminature Umbrellas to open, therefore protecting the delicate suedes and nubuck finishes.


The system has proven under recent trials to be an effective solution to the age old problem of watermarks, especially for Gents standing in the "Gents".


With so many Umbrellas being deployed the problem appears to be one of finding a suitable Umbrella repair company that can work with Nano technologywhen the darn things fail to open on time. and talking of opening times!! :wink:


Nice post that Caroline.

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what's the fixation with a fish tank anyway old bean?

you suggesting i go into hydroponics and start growing some o' that marry i wanna?


as a matter of interest: what price would you recommend charging for say; a pair of suede/nubuck knee boots and a pair of suede/nubuck fashion shoes?

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what's the fixation with a fish tank anyway old bean?

you suggesting i go into hydroponics and start growing some o' that marry i wanna?


as a matter of interest: what price would you recommend charging for say; a pair of suede/nubuck knee boots and a pair of suede/nubuck fashion shoes?


Surprising the amount of money that comes from a Fish Tank but not all people have roomfor one, that's why I ask.


Charging for what? Dyeing/Cleaning/Waterproofing?

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Price would be a 2 pronged attack, 1st price would be for the amount of material ie; short boots / knee highs / thigh highs.


Customer would then be told to pop them back in refresher coat each month where you would give them a light blast for a nominal fee.


Customers must be made aware that the products strength fades with time. This message should also be given to customers who purchase off the shelf products, advising them to top up the spray every couple of weeks ensures that the can will empty quicker and further retail sales take place.

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