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though you have already responded to hib's post lee i'd like to ask the same question but a different way.

what would you charge for a customer who brings in their own transponder blank? (for those vehicles that can be self programmed).

as we don't cut transponder keys as yet we're at a bit of a loss to know what to charge. and would you add warning for if it didn't work?

it's becoming increasingly popular for customers here to have their own blank thanks to being able to source them on e-bay.

cheers, rick.

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Theres not that many self programming.

Ford Tibbe we would charge half price for cutting self programmable key £8. (no Guarantee)

Lots of what you see on Ebay is no use to punters as there are so many variations on vehicles its a minefield(Crypto)

A lot of the guys who are autolocksmiths wont touch any key/remote which has been purchased from Ebay. Be warned if its not a virgin key/remote, can cause injury to your wallet

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For ordinary cyinder keys I charge a straight £1 per key.


With regard to transponder keys I have recently set myself up with equiptment to offer the service myself.


However previously I have asked customers to sign a waiver before I have cut their own blanks I have known some of the Toyota blanks to cost something silly like £120 from a dealer and then they still need cutting. I'm definately not into taking risks like that.

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Despite launching the price survey today with this question asked, I felt I should stick my nose in!


Way to cheap, chances are customers have either been told by there double glazing firm how "high security" there basic cylinder lock is and been given extra "high security" basic cylinder blanks or they have spent a load of cash on a genuine car key blank from a dealer.


And you have spent a shed load of money on key machines, blanks stock & overheads so my view is


a. give a disclaimer

b. nock of 30p for the blank you haven't used, try it for a few they rarely say no, because they feel awkward asking in the first place.


Just my view any way!



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I go along with Lee on this one.

I normally just charge the same as I would for the standard key.

If they query the price, I say 'Well if you want to have a go with a file yourself, you're most welcome...'

That generally makes them realise they are getting a good service for a reasonable price.





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However previously I have asked customers to sign a waiver before I have cut their own blanks I have known some of the Toyota blanks to cost something silly like £120 from a dealer and then they still need cutting. I'm definately not into taking risks like that.


Really? As a rough guideline these blanks cost between £10 and £15 + VAT, the high charges normally only come into play if you include the CODING costs because the customer only has one original key left.

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However previously I have asked customers to sign a waiver before I have cut their own blanks I have known some of the Toyota blanks to cost something silly like £120 from a dealer and then they still need cutting. I'm definately not into taking risks like that.


Really? As a rough guideline these blanks cost between £10 and £15 + VAT, the high charges normally only come into play if you include the CODING costs because the customer only has one original key left.


Yes really.


I am not talking about an ordinary chipped key.


But one which is not only chipped but has separate buttons to open the doors . boot and petrol cap all remotely.


I don't doubt the dealer has put a sizable mark up on the key. But it still follows that if I were to cut it incorrectly I would not be able to replace it.

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