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Everything posted by Michael

  1. This one??? https://www.aldridgesecurity.co.uk/silca-3757-silca-apk1-to-suit-apecs-cylinders.html
  2. I’ve taken the rear wheel off, what would be the price for one of these please?
  3. What's the price of these blades now? Managed to finally get mine lose so I can remove it so really should replace it.
  4. It’s this whole bar that is slightly loose and vibrates outwards causing the wheel to hit the cover
  5. You had me doubting myself then but just double checked my emails going back months and have never had an invoice emailed as a PDF to me!
  6. CB & CousinsUK always email PDF's over but DB don't. Will have to ring them and ask, photo and upload is a PITA and so untidy, much prefer an upload, keeps my OCD in check!!
  7. Can invoices be emailed as attached PDF's? I've just moved over to Xero accounting and I want to upload and attach as many invoices as possible rather than having folders of paper ones. A lot more companies are doing this as standard now, saves me typing all the details in manually!!
  8. The whole bar is moving! I've taken the front panel off the machine and I can see two grub screws on the bar but I can't get to them to see if they are lose. Just thought I must be missing something simple.
  9. I have this machine, anyone know how to tighten the mini band scourer? When I use it the vibration makes the tension spring end move out of line after less than a minute of use!!
  10. I got mine here....https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32421389052.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.9.7792e0ZFe0ZFh9&algo_pvid=70d57233-aa3c-465a-b499-cc669621b740&algo_exp_id=70d57233-aa3c-465a-b499-cc669621b740-4&pdp_npi=4%40dis!GBP!6.50!5.53!!!8.02!6.82!%402103890117334133978084103e851e!12000022791783885!sea!UK!2794282882!ABX&curPageLogUid=UTrJykPifEML&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch|query_from%3A
  11. I always use Bostik 6092 Neoprene for most jobs, pretty sure I've used it on these with no problems.
  12. Anyone know a supplier of these to recase a broken one please???
  13. Umarq Mastergrave (Engraving Workshop) Mr fixit wholesale Pantograph services Gravograph Mattergrave (contact Sarah Wise on here)
  14. Anyone used https://www.eapollowholesale.co.uk recently? Just looked to order some bits and nothing will add to basket, wondered if it was my laptop or account or them???
  15. I just buy them precut here....https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005007036000166.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.11.66e444fc9uIrVI&algo_pvid=85756887-04f6-4d03-9dc8-800ff859878b&algo_exp_id=85756887-04f6-4d03-9dc8-800ff859878b-5&pdp_npi=4%40dis!GBP!2.54!0.79!!!22.88!7.13!%40211b613117296713623822954e1c4a!12000039173636273!sea!UK!2794282882!ABX&curPageLogUid=5kcfzAdPcsX4&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch|query_from%3A
  16. I've just supplied a school with 16mm L&F camlocks keyed alike for some security posts, but the problem they're having is they are 180 degree locks where the original locks were only 90 degree turn. Is there a brand that do 90 degree 16mm camlocks that can be keyed alike?
  17. Nickel plated would be cheaper than silver plated, did you not quote for that as well?
  18. I've been using the strips of Panasonic 3v from Cousinsuk https://www.cousinsuk.com/product/lithium-cells-3v-panasonic-renata-seiko
  19. Thanks, I thought the "CL" logo was Camlock Systems!! That's why I couldn't find it.
  20. Having a senior moment!! I recognise it but can’t for the life of me remember what it is!! TIA
  21. So I'm compiling a shopping list to try and start cutting these, any help much appreciated with right/wrong info I have...... Blanks: Silca BRS3R - All U11,U12,U13,U14 series keys Silca ULT1 - WXM HD X7 - WXM with 7 stamped Silca T4/F4 cutter and tracer for Silca Matrix - to cut WXM and U series????? Anything else I have forgotten or got wrong please advise!!
  22. I've been using the "Quick Add" option at the bottom of the basket page but the whole website is getting to be "enough is enough"!! So slow and unusable and looks like it's finally broke!! should've been upgraded years ago.
  23. I've been asked for a few different Ultion dimple keys lately and have been turning them away as I'd heard too many stories of not working, jamming locks etc. I was wondering how easy they are to do now and any potential (expensive!!) problems there are? I would be copying using a Silca Matrix SX so would have to buy cutters and tracers as well as blanks, any advice/warnings before I invest?
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