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28 minutes ago, hakeemz said:

it was introduced to help revive the high street decline, now if that's been achieved then it makes sense, if not ...

Hasn't made a blind bit of difference to my high street???

If I lose that rate relief I might as well close.

Margins are tight and I'm cutting my spending and my wages as it is, even as a one man band with no staff it's bloody tough at the moment and doesn't seem to be turning round anytime soon!!

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36 minutes ago, windycity said:

well at least you don't have to pay £465.19 per month,  I am sure most businesses in the south would be very happ y paying just £51. per month


lol for now at least i have a rate free year yipeeee that will save me alot for once  or is there a caveat that is only for the northern part of the country and not the south? i guess i better not hold my breath!

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23 minutes ago, Michael said:

I haven't paid rates for a couple of years, had 100% relief since they introduced it so no help for me, although I thought I heard there was going to be a £3000 grant to help businesses that already have 100% relief??

hi michael at least you have had help for a couple of years and could have used that money saved for your business in other ways.


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34 minutes ago, windycity said:

hi michael at least you have had help for a couple of years and could have used that money saved for your business in other ways.


Unfortunately it just gets swallowed up in running costs.

I think if I had to pay proper rates and rent ( my dad owns the building so I pay what I can, when I can!!) I would have been shut a couple of years ago.

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Michael mate I am sorry to hear that. you have loads of positives, no managing agent to deal with, no solicitors fees when fighting ridiculous rent hikes from said agent and no business rates. I know self employment can be a lonely place when not doing as well as one wou;ld like to or did in the past but you can't let it win.

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2 hours ago, Patsy said:

We got a refund of 14k for rates I filled out a form and not long after I checked my balance and the money was there I must admit I didn’t expect to get anything 

Tell me moooore

This sounds better than the usual scamming companies phoning up..

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I phoned the council told them I noticed I may be over paying on my rates they sent me a form out I sent it back and over the 9 years I’ve been here I’d overpaid by said amount they refunded it with out even notifying me took about a month it’s also saved me from last year over 500.00 a month 

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