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Engraving Lego bricks

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Hey all

I'm looking for recommendations on engraving Lego bricks.

I've seen a few videos on Youtube (like this one and this one) and I'd like to have a go at it myself.

Has anyone here done it and maybe has some advice to share- like which machine they used?

A quick Google shows that the Roland EGX-350 is popular for doing this- actually I found this forum by searching for one for sale.


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I've engraved them in the past using a normal carbide ''A' cutter and then filled them with wax.


Not one to boast but I built this from scratch as there are no plans, I even built the lorry from a picture of my mate's truck :D (I engraved the reg plate -  that's how I know about Lego engraving). 

This thing is just like a real funfair ride as it comes apart into 10 pieces and fits on the back of the trailer it's mounted on and also into the other trailer at the back.

Took me nigh on 3 months to design and then build - it was a nightmare figuring out the gearing and how to assemble and disassemble it. 






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