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Help needed with HPC Blitz please

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Hi Everyone,

Hi, I have bought a 1200 Blitz recently and I am educating myself with how to use it.

My question is, I am cutting a standard LF1I key (JMA) for a filing cabinet

from code, which is 298. I got the bitting number from Instacode which is 11332 and I have cut the key. Now when I look at the key and look at the "show cut key" on Instacode there is a slight difference. If you take a look at the pictures you will see what I mean.

Am I fretting over nothing or are the Instacode images a bit 'hit and miss'

I am referring to cut number 3 and 4 (which on my key have a little nib between them but it is'nt there on the Instacode image. Does it matter?

I can't try the key as its for an internet customer.

Just so you all know, I have the correct cutter installed cw-1011 and HPC card 31

Thanks in advance








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