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Shoe Repairer Forum

Pet hate that pops up every now and again. Like today.

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Customer drops of an item for repair. I do the job. Contact the customer. They say

"your shop is too far away, and inconvenient to get to, I'll collect it in a month or two!"

Sorry, is my shop mobile, did it just happen to be passing your house when you left the item with me. I don't f*****g think so.I feel a bit better now.

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Do you take payment up front for Jobs ?.


We do, everything is always collected ever since we introduced up front payment and if someone does not collect i will just leave them in a bag on the shelf until they do.


I don't get all these notes that some of you seem to like athough i do understand your frustration.

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They kick in a six months.attachicon.gifIMG_20170502_111124.jpg

lol..take that thing off man ..make your shop look friendly..rather lose two pounds than argue with a customer only to spoil my own mood and image in local community..most of the time there is a good reason for people not collecting,,simply forgetting or being sick in hospital or so on.. :smt058

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I think Cowers notice is too generous to customers.....6 months is far far too long for free storage. Let's face it, if the shop rent is £15 per sq ft per annum plus VAT, that errant pair of shoes not being collected is costing money from day 1! Don't get me started about keeping the shop heated to stop damp and mold growing inside shoes left for months, I mean all those smelly critter like bacteria belonging to the customers festering in the shop too creating an unhealthy atmosphere! :smt067  :smt067  :smt068  :smt068  :smt068  :smt068  :smt068  :smt068  :smt068

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Never had to charge storage to a customer.

Customers actually seem to love the sign.

Unleft repairs are not an issue, I use to throw away after a year or so. But someone on this forum had to pay out for luggage over two years old .so now I will keep for the full seven years.but when the time comes, I will charge storage. Probably cap the charge though, otherwise might be a silly charge.

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Yep, two years ago we started taking payment up front for everything, never had any issues. No deposits, no issues, and it doesn't give the customer opportunity to haggle on collection.


Few weeks ago, I had a customer saying "I'm not paying up front, what if I'm not happy with your work?" I simply said "I'm so sorry sir, you be better off going somwhere else, but thank you for popping in to us first."


That was it, avoid moaners, 99% of customers are superb, I'm not going to loose any sleep about few fruitcakes a year.

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Full payment upfront for all work here too. Started last October, had a few moans and raised eyebrows but once you tell them (and exagerate a bit) about the amount of uncollected repairs they understand.


Work is picked up much quicker now.

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  • 1 month later...

Latest on this. Taking Friday afternoon off, to visit my mum, who lives 300 miles away and has just left hospital after major surgery. Sent texts to all outstanding repair customers informing them. This customer sent me a sarcastic text ( at 11.30 pm) saying he actually wanted to collect it Fri afternoon.

I work by myself, this is the first time I've deviated from my opening hours in two months. Wish he had never left the job with me, oh the joys of hind sight.

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i went prepay 2yrs ago the ones who moan are the ones who would shaft you , heres a little tale  a good friend of mine is going through  a financial  bad time   , I asked him how much it would take to bale  him out ( if I won the lottery ) he said 2500 , I said go and count the value of all your uncollected repairs .  he did guess how much  3000 , so the moral of this little tale  get the money up front

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