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i had a customer in today asking if i can cut garrison keys.i told her that i can get them to order with her security card at £15 a key.she told me that the locksmith about 20 mins away was doing them for £5 each surely the cost of the machine & blanks cant leave much profit,do any of you guys cut them & what price do you charge?

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Guest Phill

we cut garrison keys, we charge around £8. The cost of the key machine depends on what you go for.

Was at the MLA show today, DB sell a very good computerised dimple/laser machine which cuts to code or from copy but at around £10,000 its for the serious key cutter.

We have Mul-t-lock's machine which comes "free" when you order XXXX amount of Garrison products. The genuine Garrison key blanks cost around £1.50 each coined with company name or copies from DB or SKS are around 60p.

So thats how your competition can charge £5, although seems very cheap.

Why do you tell your customer you need the card?

the keys are very easy to read and cut to code without the card in a simular way to a ford Tibbe.

Might be able to help you, what do you pay for a cut key at the momeny?

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i've not lomg started up in business for myself and don't get asked for many at the moment so i use a locksmith that i know and his advice was to use customers card he charges me £9 a key although i know that you can cut them using a laser machine just not too sure about the garrison key and would hate to jam 1 in the lock without trying them on a test lock to make sure that i'm doing it properly

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Guest Phill


without trying to under cut your local locksmith, I could probably do it for around half that with around £2.70 carrage. I can supply a depth reader key, to help you read your customers key, believe me its very very easy.

You wont damage the customers lock if you get it wrong, not that you would :)

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Guest Phill

Tel no bar at the show whats that all about. You dont get that kind of nonsense at the shoe repair expos. There would be a riot :D

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Our nearest mul-t-lock key cutter(multinational) charges £4.50 for a key?

Guess what he's closing down!

retail about £8.50 and you cant go wrong!

If I were to cut them on the laser machine they would be £12.50 but on the mul-t-lock machine £8.50

carry on!

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Guest lockandkeycentre

Hi all


we charge £8.50 for garrisson keys, we cut them on our dedicated garrisson machine but they can also be cut on the Triax e code, we brought the cutter for our triax e code a little while ago cos it also does KALE dimple keys and it was really cheap, around £30 if i remember correctly.

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